Monthly Archives: February 2016

Close Finish and New Ideas at AAAI-16

This year it was Slumbot who edged out all others in the NLHE instant runoff event, built with a new memory-efficient technique called Compact CFR. My entry Act1 snuck into 2nd place, outplayed by a mere 0.6 bb/100 margin (ouch). Carnegie Mellon University, the team that hosted the Brains vs AI match, rounded out the top 3. Congrats to Eric, whose agent is free to play on his site

The complete results with logs will be available shortly on the tournament website here (cross-table available here for now).

It was a treat to attend the AAAI conference and discuss our different approaches. I certainly learned a lot and hope to experiment with several promising ideas soon.

Update: these results were erroneous! See this post on the amended results.